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University of OtagoDiploma for Graduates (DipGrad) Endorsed in History


The Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad) can be used for many purposes, and in some cases, effectively provides an additional major. It requires you to do at least seven papers, of which at least four are at 300-level or above. The programme is designed for graduates and may be completed by full-time candidates in one year or by part-time candidates over more than one year. A DipGrad is a great way to retrain or to update existing qualifications. Many students also find it a convenient way to continue learning and that it is a useful bridge to postgraduate study. History moves like tectonic plates: mostly imperceptibly, but sometimes with astonishing ruptures. What kinds of historical shifts lie behind a Brexit, a Trump, or a Treaty of Waitangi for that matter? What counts as historical truth in a world of ‘alternative facts’? Studying history provides students with a deep feeling for the ways time has shaped today’s complex world, and the intellectual tools to tackle an enticingly wide range of professional and career challenges. Papers Required Approved papers from those prescribed at 300-level for the major subject or endorsement requirements for the subject concerned and/or from those available at a higher level in the subject concerned. Of the 72 points required above 200-level for the programme, a minimum of 54 points shall be from papers for the subject concerned, but papers worth up to 72 points may be required for certain subjects. Other papers at 100- and/or 200-level in the subject concerned may also be required in some cases as a condition of endorsement. Structure of the Programme Every programme of study for the diploma shall consist of papers worth at least 120 points; include at least 72 points for papers at or above 300-level; include such other work as may be prescribed in particular cases. Students who have been granted credit for study elsewhere that has not been counted towards any other qualification may include up to 60 points for such credit in a programme. The credit may be at 100- or 200-level only, except in the case of students participating in the Student Exchange Programme, who may be credited with papers at 300-level or above.
  • 课程时长: 1-2年或以学校或offer为准
  • 学费: 暂时没有相关信息 以学校或offer为准
  • 开学时间: 每年2或7月
  • 总学分: 0
  • 是否移民专业:访问官网链接


为来自中国的学生设计 Other English language requirements: Paper-based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 550 (TWE 4.5); CIE Cambridge International Examinations Grade E or better in AS English; Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) - minimum of 58; Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) - minimum of 50; GCE 'A' Level General Paper (English) - grade C or higher; APIEL (Advanced Placement International English Language) Examination - grade 3 or higher; IB International Baccalaureate - English at Higher or Standard level in Language A: literature, Language A: language and literature, or at Higher level in Language B; Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic - Overall score of 58 with no communicative skills score below 50. 国际学生入学条件 A postgraduate diploma can usually be taken at any time after the completion of your bachelor's degree. IELTS score of 6.5 in the academic module (with no individual band below 6.0); Internet-based TOEFL Score of 95 with a minimum writing score of 22; Paper-based TOEFL score of 587 (TWE 4.5); Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) – Overall score of 176; Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) – Overall score of 176; Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic - Overall score of 64 with no communicative skills score below 57; University of Otago Language Centre ‘English for Otago’, English for Postgraduate Academic Purposes (EPAP) - Grade C or higher; University of Auckland English Language Academy (ELA) pathway programmes - Successful completion of the English Pathway for Postgraduate Studies (EPPS) with a B Grade; University of Auckland Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes (FCertEAP) - Successful completion of the certificate with a B Grade.


  • 申请材料要求 高三在读 高中已毕业 大学一、二年级在读
  • 是否需要文书
  • 申请费 100澳币
  • 申请周期 1-2月
