This four-year Joint Honours degree allows you to further your interest in the study of a modern language alongside exploring different periods and themes of history.Typically, as a student of Modern European Languages and History you will receive an average of approximately 8 hours of timetabled teaching per week during the three years that the programme is delivered in Durham. The amount of contact time that you receive will vary depending on the number and type of modules that you choose to study in the Department of History and the School of Modern Languages and Cultures. Teaching will include a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials, and language classes. Lectures introduce broad historical questions and offer contextualisation and critical commentary; seminars provide an opportunity for you to develop your critical skills through discussion; language classes include grammar, oral and audio-visual components and a variety of techniques to develop your language skills.
- 课程时长: 1-2年或以学校或offer为准
- 学费: £19,250.00 (¥ 172,336) /年 此费用为固定收费 以学校或offer为准
- 开学时间: 每年2或7月
- 总学分: 0
- 是否移民专业: 否 访问官网链接
Students must have already completed National Senior High School Certificate (Huikao).
- 申请材料要求
- 是否需要文书 是
- 申请费 100澳币
- 申请周期 1-2月