This Combined Honours programme allows you to combine the fascinating complementary disciplines of Politics and Sociology. In doing to, it enables you to study the social organisation, economy and cosmology of a range of societies together with their political ideas, institutions and practices.You'll develop an understanding of the contemporary world, human behaviour and the forces shaping society, as well as a sound knowledge of the four principal areas of study: political thought, international relations, comparative government, and public policy. You'll examine social, political, historical, cultural and economic issues and study topics as diverse as class and social inequality, health and disability, globalisation, crime, countercultures, family life, gender and the development of cities.Your work will be divided evenly between the two subjects, with no differences in the workload in comparison to the Single Honours degrees. In the final year, you’ll take a dissertation in either sociology or politics, depending on your own area of interest.The programme is studied over four years. The first two years, and the final year, are university-based; the third is spent at a university abroad.
- 课程时长: 1-2年或以学校或offer为准
- 学费: 以学校或offer为准
- 开学时间: 每年2或7月
- 总学分: 0
- 是否移民专业: 否 访问官网链接
Students need to have A levels or the International Baccalaureate Diploma.
- 申请材料要求
- 是否需要文书 是
- 申请费 100澳币
- 申请周期 1-2月