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Lancaster UniversityMarketing MSc


This Masters programme focuses on the global issues facing firms, markets and consumers, and provides the ideal springboard to a range of marketing-related careers. You will gain in-depth understanding of markets and how they work, and will be introduced to many theories, tools and techniques that firms can use to connect with and shape those markets. You will also learn what firms can do to uncover new and emerging consumer practices that may offer potential for creating new markets. The emphasis throughout is on the relationship between theory and practice, and you will constantly be challenged to reflect on how the ideas you encounter translate to real-world settings. The programme has been approved and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and you will benefit from the prestigious CIM Graduate Gateway.
  • 课程时长: 1-2年或以学校或offer为准
  • 学费: 以学校或offer为准
  • 开学时间: 每年2或7月
  • 总学分: 0
  • 是否移民专业:访问官网链接


为来自中国的学生设计 Students must have studied for at least 4 years duration. For courses that require a 2:1 equivalent, students must have achieved 80- 85% in Bachelor's degree. For courses that require a 2:2 equivalent, they must have achieved 75-80 %. Higher grades may be required depending on the ranking of the institution. 国际学生入学条件 Students need to have an overall score of at least 7.0, with no individual element below 6.0


  • 申请材料要求
  • 是否需要文书
  • 申请费 100澳币
  • 申请周期 1-2月