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悉尼科技大学C04018v6 MBA -国际商务工商管理硕士

University of Technology Sydney - UTSC04018v6 MBA - Master of Business Administration in International Business


The UTS MBA is distinguished from the competition by its practical, vocational orientation and by the open architecture of the course design. All MBA subjects are approved by an industry board that insists on 'relevance to workplace' as a pre-eminent subject design principle. The MBA provides knowledge and skills that are essential for superior management performance. The course provides unparalleled program flexibility. Students design their MBA to match their employment aspirations. A wide range of specialist skills is also introduced through a choice of majors and sub-majors. The teaching staff are drawn from among the finest researchers and university educators around the world, keeping students abreast of current trends and focusing on the global picture. Course aims General management skills develop expertise in strategic thinking, critical analysis, developing and implementing business plans, decision-making under uncertainty, understanding organisational dynamics, motivating others, effective communication, leadership, and promoting change in dynamic environments. Functional skills develop competency in a number of key disciplines including accounting, finance, marketing and human resources management. Specialist skills are introduced in areas such as: international marketing; human resource management; management in the public, private and international spheres; tourism; sport; arts management; engineering management; and information technology. The International Business major provides participants with competencies in the form of practical skills and theoretical foundations to assess the forces of globalization and to analyze how this impact upon individual firms. A broad perspective is adopted, covering a range of functional activities within the firm, including accounting, marketing, finance, law and management. Careers The MBA is a widely recognized and transportable postgraduate degree. Students in the MBA know that to realize their full career potential, additional managerial skills and credentials are essential. Personal investment in an intellectually demanding and practically applied MBA program may provide students with the knowledge and skills required for career progression or career change.
  • 课程时长: 1-2年或以学校或offer为准
  • 学费: A$39,920.00 (¥ 196,985) /年 Fee per session: AUD $19,960 以学校或offer为准
  • 开学时间: 每年2或7月
  • 总学分: 0
  • 是否移民专业:访问官网链接


为来自中国的学生设计 For admission into most postgraduate courses, you are required to hold a recognized bachelor's degree equivalent to an Australian bachelor's degree. Your academic performance at the bachelor's level will be considered as part of your application assessment. In some instances, you may also require relevant work experience and/or research experience. English language requirements: IELTS (Academic) - 6.5 overall, writing 6.0; TOEFL (Internet-based) - 79-93 overall, writing 21; PTE (Academic) - 58-64; CAE - 176-184; AE5/AE6 (PASS) - AE5. 国际学生入学条件 Applicants must have completed a UTS recognised bachelor's degree, or an equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies. Applicants also require: a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 out of 4 with less than 10 per cent fail grades, or a Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) overall minimum score of 550, or a minimum of at least four years' relevant work experience. Applicants with a relevant graduate certificate must have completed it with at least a credit average. Applicants applying with a GMAT should achieve an overall minimum score of 550 with verbal 25, quantitative 35 and AWA 4.0. The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: Academic IELTS: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0; or TOEFL: paper based: 550-583 overall with TWE of 4.5, internet based: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21; or AE5: Pass; or PTE: 58-64; or CAE: 176-184.


  • 申请材料要求 本科已毕业 大学三、四年级在读
  • 是否需要文书
  • 申请费 100澳币
  • 申请周期 1-2月
