Due to the high volume of applications received, I’m writing to confirm that the eight Masters’ programmes below at the University of Birmingham will be CLOSED for September 2020 on 5 November:
358B-MSc Management: Operations Pathway |
360B-MSc Management: Organisational Leadership and Change Pathway |
664A-MSc Management |
665A-MSc Management: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Pathway |
668A-MSc Management: Strategy Pathway |
294C-MSc International Accounting and Finance (Pathway 2) |
296C-MSc International Accounting and Finance (Pathway 3) |
7280-MSc International Accounting and Finance |
伯明翰大学(英文名:University of Birmingham),始建于1825年,是位于英国第二大城市伯明翰的世界百强名校,英国老牌名校。于1900年获得维多利亚女王授予的皇家特许状,英国12所精英大学之一。同时也是英国常春藤联盟“罗素大学集团”核心成员,M5大学联盟成员,国际大学组织“Universitas 21”创始成员,中英大学工程教育与研究联盟成员。
2020年QS世界大学排名位居世界第81位。伯明翰大学分为五个学院,分别是:Arts and Law,Engineering and Physical Sciences,Life and Environmental Sciences,Medical and Dental Sciences,Social Sciences。